A Beginner’s Guide to Greenhouse Gardening: What to Grow and How

A Beginner’s Guide to Greenhouse Gardening: What to Grow and How

Greenhouse gardening is a rewarding and versatile way to nurture your green thumb year-round. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener looking to extend your growing season or a novice eager to learn, a greenhouse can provide the ideal environment for a wide variety of plants. In this short blog, we’ll explore what to grow in a greenhouse and offer some essential tips on how to get started.

What to Grow:

Herbs: Herbs like basil, mint, oregano, and thyme thrive in greenhouse conditions. They require minimal space and can be grown in containers or hanging baskets.

Vegetables: Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and lettuce are popular choices for greenhouse cultivation. They benefit from the controlled environment, which helps protect them from pests and adverse weather conditions.

Tropical Fruits: If you dream of growing exotic fruits like bananas, passionfruit, or citrus in a non-tropical climate, a greenhouse can make it possible. (Need a control climate device)

Flowers: From orchids to roses, many flowering plants flourish in greenhouses. They can be grown for personal enjoyment or even sold as cut flowers.

Microgreens: These nutrient-rich superfoods are easy to grow in small spaces and have a quick turnaround, making them an excellent choice for greenhouse beginners.

Succulents: If you’re a fan of low-maintenance plants, consider growing a collection of beautiful succulents. They thrive in the controlled environment of a greenhouse.

How to Get Started:

Select the Right Greenhouse: Choose a greenhouse that suits your space, budget, and gardening goals. You can opt for a traditional glass or polycarbonate structure or even try a smaller, portable greenhouse for starters.

Location Matters: Place your greenhouse in a spot that receives plenty of sunlight throughout the day. Proper orientation can help you make the most of natural light.

Soil and Containers: Use high-quality potting mix for container plants, and consider raised beds or ground planting for larger crops. Ensure good drainage to prevent waterlogging.

Watering and Humidity: Greenhouse plants often need more consistent moisture than outdoor ones. Use a soaker hose or drip irrigation system to maintain even soil moisture. Monitor humidity levels, especially for tropical plants, and consider misting if necessary.

Pest and Disease Management: Regularly inspect your plants for pests and diseases. Greenhouses can create a haven for these issues, so act promptly with appropriate treatments.

Stay Organized: Keep a gardening journal to track planting dates, successes, and challenges. This will help you learn from your experiences and improve over time.


Greenhouse gardening is a wonderful hobby that can yield fresh produce and beautiful blooms year-round. Whether you’re starting small with herbs and microgreens or aiming for a more ambitious greenhouse garden, the key is patience and a willingness to learn from your experiences. By following these tips and staying dedicated to your greenhouse garden, you’ll be on your way to enjoying the many benefits of this rewarding pursuit. Happy gardening!